Quality Standards

Made in Britain

Made in Britain brings together the British manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. The mark is protected and can only be used by members of Made in Britain that meet the strict criteria they set to guarantee the member is a British manufacturer. Body and Mind Botanicals are part of this community with all of our products manufactured here in the UK to the highest quality standards.

Novel Foods

Body and Mind Botanicals have now received official notification from the FSA that we are not producing novel foods and therefore exempt from novel foods application under article 4. This means we are the first Hemp manufacturer in the UK to get this clearance. All Hemp manufacturers are still required to follow UK food regulations. Read more here.

Organic Certification

We pride ourselves in making sure our farms and production facilities are certified organic. We are certified by the soil association to farm, process and sell organic products. As well as our products all being plant based, they are free from unnecessary pesticides and chemicals. As part of the Soil Association, we must meet strict European laws about the production of organic food. No system of farming has higher levels of quality standards than farms working to Soil Association organic standards. Plants are natural and we believe that is the way it should stay.

Food Safety

As part of our quality and food safety measures we also SALSA accredited. This means we have full traceability of all our products, raw materials and processes. SALSA was developed between four main trade associations representing the UK food chain. We are currently the only UK Hemp/Cannabis manufacturer to hold this accreditation. Check our rating here.

Vegetarian Society

Due to our business being plant based, it naturally falls into being vegan certified. This means we do not use any animal-based products or ingredients anywhere in our processes. We also offset our carbon footprint by growing Hemp. The Hemp plant is 7 times more effective at converting CO2 to oxygen than the equivalent tree.

Quality And Safety

As well as having the above accreditations, we also have a robust quality management system. This ensures maximum food safety and customer satisfaction. Our staff safety is also paramount and as such we run our very own bespoke staff training programme. As an organisation we have total control of our supply chain from seed to shelf. We are the only UK Hemp product manufacturer that can officially demonstrate this.


All of our products are tested for CBD where applicable, with certificates available. We also run a full food testing suite where we will test for toxins, mycotoxins and many other food standard testing. Our crop and end products are also tested for pesticides and pesticides residues as part of our organic status.