Our Story

Body and Mind Botanicals was born out of the desire to produce high quality, full-spectrum cannabis products and introduce people to all their wonderful benefits. We’re hands on with every stage of production, from selecting high quality seeds from EU licensed and regulated seed banks and partnering with multi-generational cannabis farmers, to producing and packing our teabags and oils designed for maximum taste and effectiveness.

The idea for Body and Mind Botanicals came about in 2016, when co-founder Michael Fitzgerald was researching alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis, something a close family member struggled with. During that period of research, Michael learned how CBD products could help with sleep. Since the age of 14, Michael had rarely slept more than four hours per night, so he decided to give CBD a try himself. He soon felt the benefits on his sleep and general mood, and so did those around him.

Back then, new information was being released by the World Health Organisation about the health benefits of CBD but finding quality oils was still a challenge, so Michael and his business partner Martin Kaprockyj started the company to fill this gap in the market. CBD may help with stress and pain relief, inflammation, as well as anxiety and low moods, whilst also being natural and non-addictive.

After conducting a year of research and another six months gathering the equipment necessary to make their own CBD oil, the pair began selling Body and Mind Botanicals CBD oil in February 2018. Our CBD oils are all hand made by us and contain the full-spectrum of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant to ensure maximum effectiveness, available in four different strengths from 150mg – 1000mg.

While we were developing our CBD oil, the founders noticed how good the plants worked as tea. They experimented with different strains of legal cannabis as well as different mixes of buds and leaves to develop our delicious cannabis tea. Our tea has a beautiful light flavour, setting it apart from some of the more bitter, woody tasting teas on the market, while retaining all of the full-spectrum benefits. After independent lab testing, our CBD has been shown to be the most potent way of consuming CBDa on the UK market. Each cup of tea contains between 25-40mg of CBDa – the raw form of CBD – which is more efficiently used by the human body, meaning you will feel the effects faster.

You can now find Body and Mind Botanicals CBD and other Food Supplement products in over 1000 stores across the UK, including over 825 Holland & Barrett, 120 Grape Tree locations, Partridges of London, Daylesford Organics, Planet Organic, Amazon, eBay with more to follow soon. Our distribution network started small with local delis and health food shops but expanded quickly as more and more people felt the benefits of our brilliant cannabis products. Our mission now is to spread the message even further, introduce new product lines and continue innovating exciting cannabis products that have never been done before.